Solutions & Services
For aid organizations
All large-scale humanitarian operations are accompanied by complex water treatment requirements. Saygin & Stein's services cover the entire spectrum in the field of drinking water and wastewater. In detail, these are: consulting and concept development, services (assumption of responsibility for operations / provision of technical specialists), education/training and supply of components. We combine years of experience in development cooperation and emergency aid with the experience of more than 40 working years in municipal and industrial water treatment. If desired, we can support you with our technical expertise already at the project outline stage. We can also assume technical responsibility as consultants or interim managers and problem solvers at any time in the event of technical challenges. We also offer the delivery of complete plants as well as the compilation of ready-to-use package solutions for the application. One of our unique selling points is that our plants do not necessarily depend on road access. We can also reach places that are not connected to the road network. Some of our solutions are air-freightable and saddleable - if necessary, the technology arrives on site by mule, cargo helicopter or small boat. Lifting or construction equipment is not required on site.

For municipal wastewater management
Due to the fast and inexpensive components, we can make you unique offers in the field of upgrading of small plants and plant replacement in case of renovation of the existing plant. In addition to technical planning, S&S also offers approval planning and management by the authorities as supplementary services, if required. Interim management in the event of crises or operational disruptions is also possible at any time. We solve problems quickly, correctly and on site. We have a safety engineer and a representative for water pollution control and immission control in-house and will gladly take over this function for the project if desired.
Industry and (construction) trade, worldwide
In this market segment, Saygin & Stein also concentrates on the fast and effective provision of water treatment plants. On the one hand, wastewater containing fecal matter, for example at large construction sites, can be disposed of in an environmentally compatible and hygienically safe manner. On the other hand, industrial wastewater can also be treated either until it can be disposed of in an environmentally compatible manner or until the water can be reused. Because our semi-mobile concepts can be implemented quickly, they have a unique selling point in the event of acute crises, such as curtailed production due to bottlenecks, or in the event of hygienic problems in large construction projects. Interim management in the event of crises or operational disruptions is also possible at any time. We solve problems quickly, correctly and on site. We have a safety engineer and a representative for water protection and immission control in-house and will gladly take over this function for the project if desired.

Tourism in remote areas, on islands or in emerging countries
In remote areas, Saygin & Stein's concepts can ensure environmentally sound wastewater disposal that is compatible with public welfare. In addition to the treatment of wastewater for disposal, there is a strong demand in this segment for recycling the treated (waste)water as service water, e.g. for watering green areas. The cost savings in the service water sector alone can fully amortize the projects here within 2 to 3 years.